Dr. Oliver Scheiter
Dr. Oliver Scheiter
- Born in Germany 1969
- Dentist, oral surgeon
- Specialist in complex rehabilitation of the orofacial system
- Specialist in implantology
- International lecturer
- Clinical Researcher on autologous plasma protocols
- Medical School and Dental School of Kiel University, 1991-1997, DDS.
- Intensive surgical training in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at Kiel University Hospital, 1997 -1998
- Recognition as: Doctor en Odontología in Spain, 1999
- Advanced surgical training in USA, Spain, Switzerland and Germany, 1999-2006
- Training in microscopic surgery, 2003
- Training in computer-aided 3D implant planning and navigated surgery, 2005
- Training in Freecorder Bluefox® 3d diagnostics in 2012
- Training in Tissue Master Concept in 2014
- Training in PlaneSystem® diagnostics and. treatment in 2019
- 1999 Private practice marident specialised in complex oral rehabilitations, Mallorca
- 2001 Implementation of PRGF
- 2006 Implementation of PRF
- 2006 offering internships and workshops in implantology at marident,
- 2007 “Specialist in Implantology” by ‘Deutsches Implantologie Zentrum’
- 2012 development of GentleGraftTechnique
- 2013 Certification for conscious sedation
- 2018 Osteophoenix Master of Tissue Engineering
- International lectures and workshops in Spain, Portugal, Russia, Poland, Switzerland and Germany
- Lecturer for BTi, Mectron, Dentegris, Champions implants, Camlog, Komet, Fraga Dental
- Fellow SEI; Fellow SEPA
- Research director with Infini-Ti Biomedical GmbH
- Holder of international patent and trademark-rights for PlasmaSafe